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There are no Open Vacancies that Match your Search

Other similar job titles you may be intertested in include: QA Specialist Quality Systems Administator Quality Auditor QA Director QA Executive QA Analyst

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Documentation Specialist Career Profile

Documentation Specialist

Normally a role quite similar to QA, which is heavily admin and documentation-focused. Excellent organisational skills, as well as a flair for dealing with various departments are often required.

Main Responsibilities

  • Ensuring documentation standards
  • Tracking QC needs to identify and avoid potential issues
  • Ensuring QC processes meets standards
  • Participating in improving QC process
  • Participating in periodic updates

Skills / Experience

  • 5+ years of Regulatory Specialist experience, consumer products role, preferred
  • Prior exposure to QC Documentation
  • ISO 1345 and CGMP knowledge
  • Project-oriented
  • Team player
  • Exceptional communication skills
  • Ability to adapt to changing priorities
  • Detail-oriented